Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blogging toward Sunday

On Sunday we will celebrate Christ the King Sunday. The Scripture readings for our time of worship are 2 Samuel 23:1-7 and John 18:33-37. First, read the passage from 2nd Samuel which is regarded as the last words of King David.Then consider the following:
  1. In verse one, how is David described / named?
  2. To whom does he give credit for success?
  3. What other things does David say about the God of Israel?
Now, turn to the New Testament reading, which places us in the middle of the story of Jesus standing before Pilate. Note the first question Pilate poses: "Are you the King of the Jews?" This is what Pilate most wants to know. Another way we might imagine this question asked in our day and time is: "Are you a threat to national security?" Pilate wants to know if Jesus is planning an uprising. What is Jesus' response?

Jesus says that his kingdom is not from here. So if Jesus is a king, it's not at all the kind of king that Pilate has in mind. So what kind of King is Jesus? In your own spiritual life, how does he reign in your heart and mind? With this in mind, I offer you the following poem written by Ian M. Fraser:

No place

No place to lay your head
O Christ whom we call King of Kings;
you came to share the painful lot
of all the homeless, life’s foundlings.
                You had no home to call your own
                though earth’s your footstool, heaven your throne.

At last, through wood and nails, you found
a home, spread-eagled on a cross,
where all could see the face of God
made one with human pain and loss:
                and hear God’s call, and find God grants
                to each a niche of relevance.

Lord, make us restless till we rest
in your good will for humankind
that, while the birds have each a nest
and foxes holes, we learn your mind
                that all your cherished human race
                may claim a sheltered dwelling place.[i]

As always, I look forward to seeing you in worship.

[i] Ian M. Fraser in Worship Life no. 24, (London: Stainer & Bell, Autumn 2002) pg.15.

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