Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blogging toward Sunday

Building of Solomon's Temple; via Wikimedia Commons

The Scripture readings for Sunday, August 26th include 1 Kings 8:22-30, 41-43 and John 6:56-69. 

Both of our Lectionary readings bring us to the conclusion of several weeks of study focused on a particular area during the Season of Pentecost. From the Old Testament, we have been following the life and times of David and his son, Solomon. David has died and Solomon sits on his throne as a wise and industrious ruler. He has the honor and privilege of overseeing the building of the Temple. To get a fuller picture of what is happening here, take the time to read 1 Kings 8:1-43. By doing so you will learn more about the Ark of the Covenant and important details prior to Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the Temple. 

Turning now to our New Testament reading, this Sunday we come to the end of our venture into John chapter 6, in which Jesus speaks often about being the Bread of Life. Even though you have been hearing these readings, in part, each Sunday, here again I suggest that you take time to include additional verses. Doing so will help you to more fully understand Jesus' teaching. After you have read all of John 6, consider the following:
  1. What important events occur in this chapter?
  2. What themes are repeated?
  3. Why is Jesus' teaching difficult?
  4. What is the reaction of many of the disciples? How do the Twelve respond?
  5. What confession does Peter make?
In both the Old and New Testament texts, the presence of God is important. While God has been present with the people of Israel since they were chosen by God to be God's special people (blessed to be a blessing), now God is present in a different place, a different "way," if you will. Also, through the eyes of the writer of the Gospel of John, God's presence is now available in a different "way," and that is through Jesus Christ, God's own Son. Might this be one reason some people are offended at the words of Jesus? This is one of the many questions I am asking on my journey toward Sunday.

I look forward to your presence in worship.

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