Sunday, June 8, 2014

Blogging through June

Miniature depiction of Andrei Rublev's "Trinity"

Looking out over the remaining Sundays in June, this Sunday we will celebrate Trinity Sunday. Thereafter, we begin the summer sermon series, "Questions Jesus Asked." Each week in preparation for worship, take some time to read the text/s and reflect on the statements or questions that are posed. Then, let us gather in spirit and in truth to worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. 

June 15: Trinity Sunday
Read 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 and Matthew 28:16-20 and consider the following:
  1. What makes these texts appropriate for Trinity Sunday?
  2. How do you imagine the Trinity?
  3. Does thinking of God in three persons (Father, Son, and Spirit) make a difference to your faith walk? If so, how?

June 22: Is it lawful to do good or harm on the Sabbath?
Read Mark 2:23-3:6.

At the start of the summer sermon series "Questions Jesus Asked," glance over the Gospel of Mark and note every question Jesus asks. The truth is Jesus asks many more questions than he answers throughout his ministry. What does this teach us about Jesus? About our role as his disciples?

June 29: Were Not All Ten Made Clean?
Read Luke 17:11-19.

  1. How many lepers approach Jesus? 
  2. How many return to give thanks?
  3. What does it really mean to be healed?

As your pastor, I look forward to our time of worship. See you Sunday!


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Blogging toward Sunday

Sunday we gather to celebrate Pentecost. Kathleen Long Bostrom offers the following: 
Before there was Christmas and Easter, there was Pentecost--at least as far as the liturgical calendar is concerned. While Easter celebrations may have happened in the years immediately following the first Easter, Christmas and Easter were not designated as official Christian holidays until the fourth century. Evidence suggests that churches observed Pentecost as early as the first century. 
Pentecost is the day we celebrate the birth of the church. In preparation for worship, read Acts 2:1-21 and consider the following:
  1. In regard to the senses (sight, sound, etc.) what do you imagine this experience was like?
  2. How do people respond to the coming of the Spirit?
  3. What image of the Holy Spirit do you relate to? Counselor? Dove? Friend? Advocate?
  4. What Spirit-given gifts do you bring to the body of Christ?
May the following prayer written by Bostrom aid us on our journey toward Sunday's celebration.

Creator of branches, rivers, 
and stones,
of fiery flames and startling stars;
kindle the spark of your spirit
within us;
set our hearts on fire.
Knit us together--
the hands, feet, ears, and eyes
and voices and yes, even the elbows
and knees,
until we become one body in Christ.
Your will be done,
in earth and in heaven;
world without end.
