Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blogging toward Sunday

"Baptism of Lydia" via Wikimedia Commons
In preparation for worship this Sunday, using the spiritual discipline of lectio divina, read Acts 16:9-15. Herein, you will find the beginning of Paul's second missionary journey that will last three years and cover about 2000 miles. Included in this journey will be stops in Greek cities to which he will eventually address letters: Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Ephesus. 

After prayerfully contemplating the text, consider the following:
  1. What prompts Paul to travel to Macedonia?
  2. What did Paul sense God wanted him to do?
  3. How is Philippi described in this text?
  4. What do Paul and his companions do on the Sabbath day?
  5. Who is Lydia?
As always, I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. Until that time, may God bless your comings and your goings. 

Grace & Peace,

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blogging toward Sunday

This Sunday we gather to worship God with our 2nd Annual Earth Day Celebration. In order to prepare for worship, read Psalm 148 and Acts 11:1-18. Then consider the following:

  1. In the psalm, who or what is called to praise God?
  2. Take a moment to read Psalm 148 again but this time do so out loud. How does reading this psalm aloud make you feel?
  3. In the reading from Acts, who are the key players?
  4. What does God use to teach Peter an important lesson?
  5. For whom is the lesson, ultimately?
In my readings this week, I happened upon a poem written by Namkhai Norbu. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Animals as Teachers

As a bee seeks nectar
from all kinds of flowers,
seek teachings everywhere;
like a deer that finds
a quiet place to graze,
seek seclusion to digest
all you have gathered.
Like a madman
beyond all limits,
go wherever you please,
and live like a lion,
completely free of all fear. 

As you continue through the week, be in prayer for all of God's people and all of God's creatures throughout the lands. In addition, give thanks for those creatures that bring you joy, especially your pets. 
